+39 327 5553999 leo.piumelli@gmail.com
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trasmittanza termica

We are able to perform the calculation of the Total Thermal Transmission (Uf) with the numerical method, according to UNI EN ISO 10077-2:

The EU Regulation No.305 / 2011 (CPR), requires to characterize the thermal insulation performance of an insulated door, installed in an air-conditioned building.
This value is required by the “technician” who calculates the energy needs of the building, to characterize the ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS.
To this targhet, it is necessary to determine the value of the “OVERALL THERMAL TRANSMITTANCE” (Uf)) of the installed door.This must not be confused with the declaration of the thermal transmittance of the single component (insulated panel or profile) or of the insulating material (polystyrene or polyurethane) borne by the manufacturer himself.
To achieve this purpose, you must:
1) identify all the types of components used in the construction of the door (profiles, panels, guides and related materials);
2) to characterize all the nodes of the door, creating CAD drawings;
2) determine the physical characteristics of the materials used;
3) to determine the Conductivity value (Lf2D), characteristic for each node, by numerical analysis (we made with the software certified FRAME SIMULATOR);
4) tabular data obtained in our PIUGEN-KT software.
This software, customized to the specific characteristics of the product in question, is able to determine the exact value of the OVERALL THERMAL TRANSMITTANCE (W mq / ° K), to vary the LxH dimensions and the types of installations carried out (in light / over light ), as well as to discriminate the different types of components used (guides, profiles, materials, veils, bins, etc.).
Below are some indicative images of a work done for a manufacturer of insulated rolling shutters.

isoterme DP77isoterme guida masinaraisoterme cassonetto e veletta





Contact us for more details.